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Re: How does your nuclear family do adult free time? [burnthesheep]
Marriage counseling has been beneficial within my marriage. (My wife has an account on ST and may at some point read this.)

I think there is a big stigma about "needing" counseling. I'd like to turn that on its head and say: I think everyone should seek out couples counseling, early in their relationship and be very open to revisiting it later.

Likewise, basic counseling in something like cognitive behavioral therapy is something I think virtually every person could benefit from. It's a shame there is still stigma involved in "seeing a counselor."

If I could encourage that you take other folks advice on here, I will. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Anecdote: I personally feel best getting nine hours of sleep per night. I don't choose to do that, but I do feel best doing it. I also coach many folks who are struggling to achieve whatever they're working towards (fat loss, sport performance, productivity, etc,) to increase sleep hours up towards 9 per night, FWIW.

Dr. Alex Harrison | Founder & CEO | Sport Physiology & Performance PhD
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Last edited by: DrAlexHarrison: Jul 5, 22 9:08

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