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Re: Ontario Sleep Walking to Another 4-Years of Doug Ford [Fleck]
Reading through the responses both before and after the election I am saddened by one element. This is a parliamentary system, a party can be elected while a party leader could lose their seat. Doesn't happen often but to some degree it happened here. Del Duca lost his seat while the party he led received the second highest number of votes. I don't vote for the leader, unless by happenstance they are my local representative. As such I am free to vote for the platform locally and in this case provincially. And what a platform it was that the Conservatives rolled out.

What exactly did they have to offer. An almost complete lack of interest in climate change policies, a commitment to overriding local planning and governance by using ministerial orders. A continued a "car is king" policy of new highways. Removing incentives for electric vehicles. Touting mining in the north without indigenous input. Removed minimum wage and guaranteed income incentives, before finally allowing a rise four years later, without allowing for inflation so a backward step. A war with the teachers and the nurses (wage restraint legislation). They were last to the table on the childcare, behind even Alberta, for a free ride from Ottawa, but managed it just before the election. Such integrity.

I can give them kudos for getting some industry to move here, the battery plant for example, before wondering if that happened because it's market access to the US is assured without the madness that is US politics. Oh and sucking up to Trudeau, Doug's absolute nemesis. And who forget the wonderful job they did in promoting a huge increase in LTC beds, notwithstanding they gave half of them to private owners who had a death rate six times higher than community owned homes, one of the highest rates in the world. Don't even get me started on Healthcare and education. Yeah he done good! and they're such good guys and gals.

That was the platform the Tory voters supported and those that couldn't be bothered to turn out. But of course Del Duca was involved, peripherally, in a 600 million dollar mistake, due mostly to ignorance of the penalty clauses (bad advice) in a bid to assuage local concerns (sure and get a few votes in the process) so we can forgive Doug and his cohorts, underspending by several billion the money they got from Ottawa during the pandemic and the several billion they will spend, courting the burbs, to save 40 seconds on a car journey in Toronto. Let's not even look at the deficit. Because heck what's a few billion against Del Ducas crime of being a bit dull and previously working for a lesbian premier.

But hey, Doug's a good guy, with a shovel, so the party must be good guys with unimpeachable intentions.
And so what if they've made a few friends of the party, very rich.
Educated voters went ahead and voted for that platform.
Doug shovelled more than just snow.
Spare me.

Rant over...:0)
Last edited by: michael Hatch: Jun 8, 22 22:04

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  • Post edited by michael Hatch (Dawson Saddle) on Jun 8, 22 22:04