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Re: Mass Shootings - What will it take to change the law? [Cavechild]
Cavechild wrote:
He isn't, he is just trying to trigger the libs. Reasonable people know that it is not Democrats standing in the way of gun safety regulations.

The Democrats could simply remove the rule that requires 60 votes to move legislation forward. Then pass gun control and or abortion rights laws with a simple majority. It's a fact. Harry Reid did this to move forward federal judges. Apparently federal judge appointees are more important than kids lives and woman rights. But But But the Republicans....

I’m always reluctant to change the rules of the game in order to win. Is this what you truly want? Wouldn’t it be better to keep a rule that requires a larger majority of members of Congress to agree than allow a smaller number? We pride ourselves on majority rule while protecting minority rights.

Further, isn’t it better that members of Congress actually vote for something that benefits Americans and that most Americans want?

Why would you blame Democrats for respecting the rule of law and the spirit of democracy? Why do you blame Democrats instead of Republicans who violate the spirit of democracy as well as the rule of law?

What makes you like what is bad and dislike what is good?
Last edited by: CallMeMaybe: May 26, 22 8:31

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  • Post edited by Barks&Purrs (Dawson Saddle) on May 26, 22 8:31