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Re: Flat tire during a race [joshatsilca]
joshatsilca wrote:
We sell Tubolito tubes and recommend them as a spare since they are so small and light, but I would not be racing on them and definitely not using them with sealant. In our testing the Tubolito with sealant is at best 50% successful and the tubolito patches are even less effective. More specifically to racing, the patches are incredibly finicky about cleanliness and while they come with an alcohol swab, it's hard to get it to work well with clean hands on a work bench, I would not trust the process at all on the roadside.

I would recommend latex tubes with OrangeSeal and a tubolito as backup, we've successfully run that combo with 2 WorldTour teams for the last few years with incredible success. You will end up replacing the tubes every 6-8 months as the sealant dries out, but this combo will heal probably 90% of flats experienced in road/tt and if you do flat, you can quickly and cleanly get the tube out and the tubolito back in.

You could also look at the Effeto Mariposa Cafelatex with Zot instant hardener.. the Cafelatex is nearly as good as Orange Seal, but the Zot allows you to sort of instantly glue larger punctures as it reacts with the sealant to instantly harden.

I'm interested!

Just to clarify, are you putting the OrangeSeal into road latex tubes (100psi)? Or are you talking about tubeless setups?

And I'm assuming if into latex tubes, you are injecting the sealant directly into the latex tube?

(I looked on the OrangeSeal website, and it's heavily, almost exclusively directed at tubeless setups)
Last edited by: lightheir: Jan 31, 22 10:10

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  • Post edited by lightheir (Dawson Saddle) on Jan 31, 22 10:10