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Re: Official FIT ASSISTANCE for Cervelo TT and Triathlon Bikes [JoeMota]
JoeMota wrote:

Thx Eric , just find this thread, what a gem!!!

I'm considering a P-series
Height 172 cm height
Between legs 76 cm
Torso 65 cm

What's tour opinion 48 or 51?


hey, thanks for reaching out.

That's a hard/tricky one. Sight unseen I could just as easily say 54cm, but that's just me as I'm somewhat heterodox when it comes to reach and what it's for and why it's important. In other words, I'm sort of hinting that you're asking the wrong question or boxing yourself in to a bad answer with your question phrased the way it is. How do you feel about a pre-purchase bike fit?

Do you have any pictures of you on a bike? A current tri bike? We need some more data to suss this out, but it's doable.

That said, the P-Series comes with a *very* adjustable cockpit and a 51cm would absolutely work for you.

Make sense?


Eric Reid AeroFit | Instagram Portfolio
Aerodynamic Retul Bike Fitting

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Last edited by: ericMPro: Oct 20, 21 13:39

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  • Post edited by ericMPro (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 20, 21 13:39