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Re: New GP5000s. Maybe hookless is going to catch on [Hanginon]
Hanginon wrote:
Disappointing? What's really disappointing is now having two independent(?) tests that conflict with Continentals marketing verbiage - and not by a little bit.

How can this be?

I think that's a fair criticism, after all if appears that the 5000 S TR cannot claim 20% less rolling resistance than the 5000 TL. So yes, Continental's claims do not appear to be true in that regard.

However, if you doubted those claims from the start, and instead focus on what we do know about the 5000 S TR, we see that Continental found a way to make the already fast-rolling 5000 TL roll even faster, which is doubly impressive because the 5000 TL was a tire that competed with TT tires despite being extremely puncture resistant and long-wearing. You then add lower weight, hookless compatibility, greater sidewall protection, and easier mounting, and it's hard to call the 5000 S TR anything but a rousing success.

Even if it fails to meet Continental's claims.

Amateur recreational hobbyist cyclist
Last edited by: refthimos: Oct 19, 21 9:15

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  • Post edited by refthimos (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 19, 21 9:15