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Re: New GP5000s. Maybe hookless is going to catch on [Slowman]
This is where I have to tell myself "the 5000TL is still a pretty good tire, darn it!"

I have to agree that Continental's claims for the new tire are hard to believe, though I am hopeful they are true (or even close to true). It's hard to understand how they've managed better sidewall protection and increased puncture resistance despite significantly reducing the weight of the tire. The 5000 TLs have ridiculous longevity, which means the consumer needs to buy tires less frequently, so it would make sense if Continental reduced tread thickness. This would seem to explain at least some of the weight loss, but on top of that increased puncture resistance? That would be quite the feat.

Amateur recreational hobbyist cyclist
Last edited by: refthimos: Oct 4, 21 9:34

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  • Post edited by refthimos (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 4, 21 9:34