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Re: LCHF and Calories [Birdmantris]
For those saying: avacados, nuts, olives etc...

Go outside into the woods and let me know when you come across any of these highly specific, specialized plants

Ever natural food source is carbohydrate based, and when you go into the wilderness you'll find 10,000 carb sources and maybe 2 fat sources that arent meat

If it weren't for grocery stores, LCHF would not exist

stillrollin wrote:

I'm sure you have no data to back that up. Just as I'm sure the first sentence is wrong. Care to try again?

Fat and any hydrocarbons cause residue build up in arteries which leads to heart disease. Carbs are water soluble and do not leave residue. The populations with the highest longevity are nearly always from areas with a very low fat diet

Damaging carbohydrate metabolism and glycogen capability is another good topic

Last edited by: RossJ: Jul 22, 21 11:19

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  • Post edited by RossJ (Cloudburst Summit) on Jul 22, 21 11:19