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Re: Proof of Covid Vaccine for Tri Participation? [bufordt]
If you're asking what the herd immunity threshold is for CoVid-19, I don't know for sure, but the numbers thrown around by people smarter than me are 70-80%.

I'm thinking you should keep editing your comment until it makes sense. The percent of the population that needs to be immune to achieve herd immunity is related to R0, but the definition of herd immunity isn't tied to R0.

I edited because I initially included IFR. If a tree falls in the forest and no one knows, does anyone care? But that was not the question.

You answered the question but likely did not realize it: There is no definition of “herd immunity.” It is a buzzword that both sides throw around as if it means something, but it means very little. That is because “herd” and “immunity” are both ambiguous terms.

To call the flu vaccine a "vaccine" is extremely generous. But do not take my word for it, take the word of America's Favorite Epidemiologist Michael Osterholm. As reported in that right wing rag, the New York Times. Feel free to click on the U of MN report linked to get a sense of the degree of bullshit that goes with the flu "vaccine."

From the article: “We have overpromoted and overhyped this vaccine,” said Michael T. Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, as well as its Center of Excellence for Influenza Research and Surveillance. “It does not protect as promoted. It’s all a sales job: it’s all public relations.”

Last edited by: Klaus Daimler: May 8, 21 7:25

Edit Log:

  • Post edited by Klaus Daimler (Cloudburst Summit) on May 8, 21 7:25