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Re: Fixin’ to ride the lightning [Triocd]
Triocd wrote:
Wow, that is a shocking video.

Edit to add I’m still bothered that they started the interaction with guns pulled. I wouldn’t get out either and I’m white

I’m not defending the officers here, but black or white, if I see an officer needlessly escalating a situation, with or without another officer present, I’m doing *exactly* what he or she says, immediately, with hands up, yes sir/yes ma’am, and showing every physical and verbal sign I can muster of full compliance.

Think about this rationally. How does staying in your vehicle make you any safer? It’s as far a decision from good sense as one could muster. At best you’re getting physically dragged from the vehicle. It can only get worse from there.

Guns drawn isn’t the time to make your case about what a good upstanding citizen you are and what you do or don’t deserve. The fact that this continues to happen just baffles me.

The devil made me do it the first time, second time I done it on my own - W
Last edited by: sphere: Apr 10, 21 16:50

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  • Post edited by sphere (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 10, 21 16:50