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Re: Slavery Repetitions - The dem's plan to win in 2020 [chaparral]
You are as much of a liar as Lindsey Graham. Do you even look up this stuff before you reply and say that white farmers are eligible as well. Then when called on it, you say "but, but.....Lindsey Graham also did this one time......"

Who can take anything you say seriously?

It's called the

The Emergency Relief for Farmers of Color Act


And, while one can argue that "reparations" may be a strong word to describe it, the crafters of it even described it as payment for past inequities in farming and it's based on race. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck.....
Last edited by: waytooslow: Mar 10, 21 14:54

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  • Post edited by waytooslow (Lightning Ridge) on Mar 10, 21 14:54