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Re: Why I voted NO on USA Triathlon Ballot Options [TheStroBro]
The whole explanation is basically the whole point I'm bringing up. She's using definitions of words and then trying to apply it to coaching situations....when guess what...Safe Sport has already told us a coach is in a position of power in the coach-athlete relationship. So that's my issue, is that when you are talking about an subject as serious as this with the consequences it has, "common sense" doesn't apply.....The rule book applies.

Do I agree with her that the people safe sport is going after is the national level staff etc etc, yes. I'm proving the point however that by the rulebook they've written, now EVERY coach and person in authority is by SAFE SPORT's own policy creating a violation if that relationship also includes dating. And that EVERY member of USAT has to report those very relationships to safe sport if they are aware of them. I think that's dumb as fuck, and I think we all agree to that. But that's the responsibility that we all have and the rules that we all must follow now. I think it's stupid that a coach can be banned from coaching if they are some part time coach and then date an athlete....I dont think they should date, but if it's 2 adults in a consenting happy relationship, I dont think that should be a safe sport violation. If an sexual assault issue or hazing or physical assault, then throw the book at him. But if 2 adults date in a coach/athlete good happy consenting relationship and aren't committing a crime, I dont see how that can then be an safe sport violation.

Now does USAT want to know that? Hell no they dont care that joe blow in Iowa City is having intimate relations with an athlete. They want to know that their top ITU coaches aren't having relations with national team athletes, and that medical staff isn't "pressuring" athletes into decisions they dont want to make.

So I'm with her that in "reality" none of this applies to the part time coach who's maybe dating an athlete. But by the direct definiton that have on the record, it applies to any coach in a coach-athlete relationship. That can't be debated.

We can all agree that it's not really meant to be that, and that we really aren't suppose to tattle tell on that coach who's dating an athlete in a good healthy adult relationship. I'm just making the point by Safe Sport's own rules, that is in fact an infraction, and that if you know about it and don't report it...that also is an infraction.

So what I'm showcasing is just how easy an "safe sport" violation likely is now in the current climate. And that many of those violations aren't what we really consider safe sport violations. But now that EVERYONE is required to follow safe sport and be on the hook for reporting, it should be known just what we are dealing with.

Brooks Doughtie, M.S.
Exercise Physiology
-USAT Level II
Last edited by: B_Doughtie: Mar 3, 21 18:42

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  • Post edited by B_Doughtie (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 3, 21 18:42