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Re: Critique my bike fit - Feb 13, 2021 [TRIPRO]
TRIPRO wrote:
Looking at how he is moving around on the saddle he might be toe pointing to look for some stability. I think this athlete has very poor hip stability, muscle imbalance or other under lying issues.

I think the toe-pointing comes from another issue up in the chain.



Thank you for your comment. In the videos, I rode as if I was wasn't recording in order to get an honest video, so I probably could have moved around less. However, I went to a physio/bikefitter last year and he said I had extremely tight hips and very poor hip mobility. I've had a 9-5 desk job for years which has likely been a contributing factor. I've also developed inner shin splints from running earlier this year, and from what I've read, weak core/hips can contribute to this as well. In response, I've been doing lots of core, squats, weighted lunges, box step-ups, hamstring curls and calf work in order to develop a stronger core and legs (over the last two months). I've also incorporated yoga over the last month to help with my poor flexibility. It's also worth noting that in my opinion, I do not have inactive glutes as I see this is often discussed in these forums.

When you say poor hip stability, are you referring to weak hips/glutes or poor hip flexibility as well? What would you advise for next steps? Are there self tests I can do to see if this is the case? Is what I'm doing currently to combat the issues noted above helping with hip stability? If there are muscle imbalance issues, which muscles are most likely imbalanced?

My apologies for all the questions!

I'm absolutely new to running and biking, so I appreciate any insight on the above!


Last edited by: CurrJam: Feb 15, 21 19:27

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  • Post edited by CurrJam (Big Pines) on Feb 15, 21 19:27: Grammar fix