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Re: Endless pool: what accessories to get? [Dnowak]
We also have the performance model and If you haven't included it, I recommend the retractable cover, it not only retains the heat but keeps the moisture/humidity down in the room. We use a foldable step stool for getting in and out of the pool as it takes up much less space. We have the mirrors and it is a nice feature to have, the FIt@home app is a must, and I highly recommend getting an ipad with a waterproof case to use and you can mount it to the coping. We use it and load our workouts onto it and have it where it is visible to see your progression and timing of sets.

There's an endless pool owners Facebook group you should join, lots of good information.
Last edited by: tri3ba: Feb 2, 21 10:50

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  • Post edited by tri3ba (Cloudburst Summit) on Feb 2, 21 10:50