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Re: posterior tibial tendonitis (running shoe recs?) [curdog16]
curdog16 wrote:
some type of orthotic in the neutral or stability shoe?


just an orthotic in my everyday shoes

is it my feet/high arches and pronated running form causing this issue in my running gait or something up higher making its way down....

Thanks to all for your input on this.

Apologies for answering not been asked ;) but ... the foot needs a proper support and correction all the time - so, running shoes, everyday shoes, home flip-flops (like Hoka Recovery Slide - excellent arch support and amortization, for a flip-flop) etc.

Why putting a stress over a tendon if stress isnĀ“t necessary? Leave the stress for a tendon for special occasions eg. running :) it will be stressed anyway, even with orthotic insoles inside a shoe.

IĀ“m convinced, and my physio is sure, that all my ankle problems started, as years and age go by, because of my high arches lacking proper support. ThankĀ“s to the proper insoles I donĀ“t have problem with inner side of ankles for years, now, only Achilles :/

Weightflex are changing the foot support inside a shoe considerably, my feet felt more stable & comfort in a neutral shoe with Weightlex, then in a stability shoe without insole.
Last edited by: Pablo ElSur: Jan 25, 21 9:02

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  • Post edited by Pablo ElSur (Big Pines) on Jan 25, 21 9:02