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Re: Living in Salt Lake City (run/bike perspective) [JeffJ]
JeffJ wrote:
Above I've heard the commute from south to the U can be difficult - I am guessing the same coming in from the north on highway 15? I have generally been looking at commute times on zwillow (which does give both peak and normal commute times) but realize those may be inaccurate.

Northbound can be slightly easier, it just depends. If you can take I-215 (starts just north of Sandy and runs East for a bit before turning North) you can get off closer to the U than coming Southbound on 15. You might try getting on Google maps and inputting your starting point/destination then selecting a "Depart At" time based on when you'd like to arrive. That will get you a pretty decent ballpark estimate.

HOWEVER, as synthetic's post pointed out, Utahns can be terrible drivers so your times may vary quite a bit based on incidents or conditions.

synthetic, I learned early on to treat all intersections as full stops unless I could see it was clear of traffic, especially in the early mornings. A lot of people turn when the light turns green, or on red, or whenever, without regard to crosswalk signals. Not all, but I make sure that if I'm crossing I know they see me. Makes tempo running in town a pain in the ass. But in the Sugarhouse area, Parley's Trail and Sugarhouse Park make for some good paved running with fewer crossings. The S Line trail is decent as well but does cross at street level. If you have transportation, going out to the Jordan River Trail will get you lots of miles on pavement with no cars and nearly zero street crossings.
Last edited by: ut_maker: Dec 28, 20 11:23

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  • Post edited by one raviolo (Big Pines) on Dec 28, 20 11:23