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Re: Candence / zwift workouts [skutter]
I was a product of the 1980's high cadence era. It was spin 100+ all the time, i got good at it. I took time off (from cycling) in the 90's and got back into it in 2002.

I started spinning like i used to and it tired me out so i spun slower and was able to ride well. In 2006 i got my first power meter and that reinforced the spin slower thoughts. That has worked well for many years.

Enter 2020 when i get into track cycling and am fixed to a max gearing of 88 inches (50x15). Now back up to 95+ rpm producing more power for short 30 min periods than i have in years.

The point is that there is more than one way to do things. Perceived effort says slow cadence is easier, science says slow cadence is more economical, experience says power can be produced at different cadences and finding out what's best for you is worth the time investment.
Last edited by: jaretj: Dec 25, 20 11:35

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  • Post edited by jaretj (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 25, 20 11:35