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Re: Strava Etiquette [Slug]
Slug wrote:
It's not news to me. Ever since I was little I saw sneaky little ways slow people would do to try and win races. At first it was trivial stuff like cutting corners, you know, shit kids do when they think no one will know. Then they do other sneaky little things like trying to block others, pull on their arms, hang their elbows out, not keeping their lane... shit like that.
Cycling does the same. They get a team of riders to pull a sprinter to a good position to sprint from, and even go so far as to hang their arms out, block other riders from a good position, and recently, not keep their lane to send other racers into the stands.
Nah, I'd rather ride alone.
And since this is a triathlon forum where many of the races are non drafting and more of an individual sport, not a cycling forum, I figured there would be a bit more pride in a person's individual ability.
Go ahead on though braddah. Get all up in that ass you stud muffin.

So much anger and discontent. Someone take your last KOM?
Last edited by: rubik: Aug 18, 20 11:06

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  • Post edited by rubik (Lightning Ridge) on Aug 18, 20 11:06