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Re: FAVERO Assioma Duo - Out of Stock [BT_DreamChaser]
BT_DreamChaser wrote:
And a thread about when a power pedal will be back in stock turns into a debate about uno vs dual-sided pedals!! And the the person who started the thread still doesn't have an answer. LoL!

To add my 2 cents: when getting multiple bike fits on a computrainer, my left/right was always 49/50 so I figured why pay extra when I know my power is even to start at general aerobic effort. I really don't care if there's a discrepancy in left/right during a Sprint. Although it would be useful if I knew for hard/ above threshold efforts if there were a major left/right discrepancy, but I highly doubt there is. I've been using the 1-sided Vector 3's for two years and have no regrets.

Sorry no one answered your question!

Honestly seemed like a longshot that anyone was actually going to have an exact answer for me but figured there couldn't be any harm in asking. Happy to see people discuss the pedals in general though

Is 850 good enough for them? Like when they retail for 650 does that cost ending up being more due to being from an Italian company with shipping and everything? Because Id be willing if it was really only like 100 up on cost but 200 more than normal seems like a bit of a waste to me.
Last edited by: SnowChicken: Aug 17, 20 16:58

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  • Post edited by SnowChicken (Cloudburst Summit) on Aug 17, 20 16:58