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Re: Two pursuit questions [burnthesheep]
burnthesheep wrote:
trail wrote:
Charleslo_99 wrote:
\They probably spend more time than any other national team riding circles around the track.

Huub-Wattbike isn't a national team. They have guys who compete on other national teams, like Tanfield and Archibald for Britain and Ashton Lambie for the U.S.

Which makes me sad that we won't see Ashton Lambie at the Olympics, despite his being the most talented male track rider we have (in my opinion). I can't believe we could get 3 other guys who could hang with him well enough to qualify for the Olympics.

Sidebar based on the men’s olympic comments.

I emailed Rock Hill velo about pursuit rules on the bike. Like, if you did the training classes and did a session on your bike after. Curious in case I ever got interest to try.

I looked up the track records while cruising the site. 250m track. Men’s hour, 25mi. I know the gravity of the banking sucks.....but pretty sure I know several guys local who could TT a hill 40k faster on tarmac. I’m still a novice TT guy after two years and do that on chipseal. That to say, the tracks are hours from the riders. In other places more tracks.

Not sure where I was going with that. Just thought it would be like 28 or 29 or 30 mi in an hour. Given that, I can only assume track isn’t big in the US. I think the history is that prohibition era laws on liquor and sports betting killed the US track racing scene.

Sucks, as if I had a track local I would be there all the time.

HUUB is super specialized, but folks talk. People pay attention.

Back to it. I wonder sometimes if I have modeled the wrong fit since I am a lot slower rider. I thought some HUUB style fit concepts depend on speed. Sooooo, that’s the root of why I asked about the hands on guys versus ladies. I am flexible, but not blistering.

Still mine at Rock Hill, although it's purely because nobody has deemed it important enough to come take it away :D I promise you for mortals, riding lap after lap in 90°+ southern heat for an hour will take it's toll.
There have been a few guys that have done 40 minutes a lot faster than I did as well... but I still have the record ;)

A lot of team pursuit squads find it easier to stay close together with a bit wider arms. Of females specifically for IP, Sarah Hammer is the only one that comes to mind with an "obviously wide" setup. I suppose in theory breasts might make a wider setup faster for women than men but that might be just me thinking.

The Left hand drive has been a thing for a long time (albeit obscure then...and still) and for the most part, it was to make the new Felt "special."

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Last edited by: Morelock: Jul 18, 20 15:17

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  • Post edited by Morelock (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 18, 20 15:17