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Re: Alternative to Training Peaks [R2]
R2 wrote:
i tried the todaysplan and the creation of workouts seems to be much more time consuming that in TP - i havent yet figured out how to creat workouts with exact power target not the range to be able to do in erg mode

Thanks for the feedback. First, I don't know if you're a coach, or just coach yourself, so I'm going to speak as if you're a coach anyway. I think once you understand all you can do with the workout builder, it becomes a pretty great tool. And realize, if you're a coach especially, one structured workout you build in Today's Plan has RPE, HR, and Power prescriptions to it. If you're talking running workouts, then you can add pace zone prescriptions to that as well. And then you do progressions to have 6 different variations of that workout. For example, a long run that starts at 30 mins and progresses by 10 mins, gives you the same run in one workout in your library, but for 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80 mins. And don't forget, there's 4 prescription types for that workout, (RPE, HR, Run Power, Run Pace), so that's actually 24 different workouts you would have to build in TrainingPeaks individually. So you're literally building workouts 24x faster in our platform, and then if you prescribe those workouts, you can set it to progress each week, so you can also write training 6x faster than TrainingPeaks, (they are single workout in library only, drag and drop one at a time). Then you can clone that workout and change the progression to 5 mins instead of 10, and now you have 48 different workouts in the time it would take you to build 2 in TrainingPeaks. So again, once you understand how to use it, it is very fast.

Here's some things to help you, that you might consider trying...

- You should set the "sample threshold" value to your threshold, so you can see what the workout intensity prescribes, (especially if you're looking for a set pace or power)
- You can set custom zones, and the workouts you build can be specific to those zones, so if you wanted to do zones by 10%, you can more easily dial in the specific intensity you're looking for.
- Today's Plan has a YouTube channel to help as well, and here's the one on the workout builder:

Hope this helps, and let me know if you have more questions.

Jim Vance
http://TodaysPlan.com.au (Disclosure: I am contracted with Today's Plan)
Twitter @jimvance
Last edited by: JimVance: Jul 2, 20 18:01

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  • Post edited by JimVance (Lightning Ridge) on Jul 2, 20 18:01