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Re: Weight Loss, Gain, & Changing Your Program With Age [Tom_hampton]
Tom_hampton wrote:
triczyk wrote:

well I keep talking because you don't listen. You just re-iterated what I said. Thank you!

Age is not making you fat, its one's inability to evolve the intake that is making you fat. This is where folks in any age cohort will start bitching about how they can't eat what they used to, etc. etc.

I might be only 34 but my father is 70 and still boasts a visible 6 pack and can bench 225lbs...oh, and he's 5'7'' and weighs 140. Picked up lifting at age 60 and weighed 155 at the time.

Calories In - Calories Out = weight management at any age.

Yes you have to learn how your calories out changes over time.
Yes you have to understand the quality and content of your calories in.

but aside from that, it is the only formula that matters!

Did I say I was "fat"? No, I belive I already noted on page 1, I'm 5'11" / 145 lbs, ~10% body fat. I weighed 142 at 19. I weighed 170 at age 27 after getting married and having three kids. I lost 25 lbs in 2 months, then. I weighed 210 at age 45 after a 10 year battle with an overuse injury. I lost 60 lbs in 9 months. I know how it works----I've done it...at both age ranges. I've done it at age 27. I've done it at age 45. and I know how to KEEP IT OFF at age 51.


Yes you have to learn how your calories out changes over time.

That's the REAL point. And THAT is what's hard as a Master Athlete. Yes, fine thermodynamics is true. But...weight-loss is a psychological problem, not a thermodynamics problem.

I still have the brain of that 19 year old. I still have the appetite and portion concept of that 19 year old (I can still easily devour a bag of doritos, or a gallon of ice cream, or a 6 pack of Coke...or god dammit... all three). I still have the athletic drive of that 19 year old, and I'm still pretty fucking fast (for a M50-54 year old). But, I cannot eat like he did. period. So, I don't---that is not easy, because I used to...and I sometimes WANT to.

It IS harder at one age versus another. Becuase it gets harder and harder to eat small enough amounts of food. I count my calories, daily. I probably border on having an eating disorder from the level of "rigor" I exert over my consumption.

Age is not an EXCUSE any more than any other obstacle. But, it IS AN OBSTACLE that must be overcome. You can't go around it, you can wish it away. Well you can, but that only works one way...weight managment is less of an issue then. To suggest that it is NOT an obstacle (as a 34 year old...Ha!) is ...well... the height of arrogance. You will learn....in 16 years. You may....like me (and your dad)...learn how to manage it and overcome it. Or you may give up and just get fat---because it is work. But either way....you will learn.

We are in violent agreement with one another just using different terms to get to the same point

While I am claiming “age is not a factor” I’m simply stating that age is not an obstacle that cannot be overcome. I’m exaggerating to make the point.

Ultimately it’s willpower / discipline that is a factor.

I have a huge pet peeve with folks who say they’re getting fat because of age etc. I think it should be just said as it is “I am getting fat because I eat too much for my level of activity and daily calorie burn”

Obviously based on your stats, you know this already and have no issues (but not without a lot of work and daily discipline )
Last edited by: triczyk: Jun 12, 20 4:57

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  • Post edited by triczyk (Lightning Ridge) on Jun 12, 20 4:57