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Re: Taupo 2020 champs - prediction will be cancelled [devashish_paul]
devashish_paul wrote:
Keep in mind this is how Greg Lemond the tour de France in the first place. He ignored the advice of the Euro establishment and brought an innovation from the ski world that he learned of from American triathletes and smoked Laurent Fignon by 8 seconds to win the Tour De France.

I would say you kind of hit it that in the aforementioned English speaking countries, we do have that tendency....it bore inventors like Isaac Newton, James Watt, Alexander Bell (among many many more) and gave rise to companies like HP (the original garage startup in Silicon Valley) and later Microsoft and Google. So we can't have it both ways. Countries that innovate essentially have to reward individual questioning of the status quo and a desire to push outside the establishment. This forum exists thanks to slowman inventing the aerobars and the triathlon wetsuit. Ironman was invented in America. So, yes I do think there is a sliver of truth that it is more difficult to get individuals in some countries to "follow" but because the countries reward leadership and to some degree questioning of "the way it is", you get all these amazing transformations of society.

Other countries may be happier to follow and those societies are easier to get organized around a framework on any topic. Its hard to have it both ways.

The same fuckwhits that ignore good advice give you your iPhone, your google account, Amazon delivery, first manned flight, first crossing of the sonic barrier, first man on the moon, commercializing the CMOS transistor, inventing the internet (DARPA), Hollywood and a fairly long list of achievements that few nations can come even close to. (by the way, I am not American).[/quote]

Yeah man, we're just a bunch of simpletons up here blindly doing what we're told. Following government guidelines in a critical situation, where it's at least very plausible that the experts/advisors know better than the people, is just a sign that people can't think for themselves and are less likely to innovate and push norms. It's obviously completely out of the question that it has anything at all to do with education and/or rational thinking in this particular matter.

Hope the pink font wasn't necessary.

BA coaching http://www.bjornandersson.se
Last edited by: bjorn: Mar 31, 20 11:20

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  • Post edited by bjorn (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 31, 20 11:18
  • Post edited by bjorn (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 31, 20 11:20