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HR question.....average/max differences between people
I have always wonder about my own HR and why I felt like it was so different than others, but now with Zwift after events and reviewing everyone else HR's, I'm thinking it's just random?

I noticed for the same event, top 10, 20,30......didn't really matter that some riders will have a low average HR and low max vs others who will have much higher average HR's and a much higher max. Is this just a random thing with no real meaning or comparison - if you are one vs the other?

I always run much higher than everyone else (or so I thought), and felt that it just meant that I was just in piss poor shape compared to everyone else.......now I'm just thinking that it's just random....different strokes for different folks?
Last edited by: MKirk: Dec 20, 19 14:22

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  • Post edited by MKirk (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 20, 19 14:22