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Re: Felt Customer Service [Cyborg42]
heh heh. dude, have you ever bought a swanky custom bike from a west coast builder? time projections mean nothing to these dudes. i once asked one - " dude do you even HAVE hours out there? the shortest time span you seem to recognize is the "week". " nyuk nyuk. he thought it was pretty funny.

so far you are still doing OK, as they seem to be talking in terms of months. here is a little tip - if they start to make references to SEASONS, like, " late spring " you are in big trouble.

now then as tom has explained there are a bazillion things in the production of a "felt" that are way out of felt's hands. first off, felt doesn't actually make shit at this price. cheng lin mfg or whoever does. not too mention lee chin mfg for thos e"felt fix hubs, and maybe ho lee chong mfg for the seatpost, etc etc. god only knows where this track bike is, dude. there is chain of supplies and materials and distribution invoved. nobody really knows when your bike is gonna arrive.

and, let us not forget it is a cheap-ass nondescript entry level low volume track bike. not exactly gonna be rising to the top of anybodies must get done today list, i wager. get a bianchi, or a fuji, or a debernardi. those things are hanging like grapes in shops everywhere.

why did you give the dude your money, anyway? live and learn, brother.
Last edited by: t-t-n: Feb 4, 04 15:34

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  • Post edited by t-t-n (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 4, 04 15:34