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Re: Fit in a BQ attempt marathon with two 70.3s next year? [epg0]
epg0 wrote:

Yea, with a fall marathon I'd race Des Moines, and then train for the marathon. I'd like to just complete Traverse with minimal damage, but like others have mentioned two weeks is not much recovery for a 6 hour 'just complete' day.

If you think you can shave the time off by April, it might be more reasonable. If you miss Des Moines, you could just prioritize to marathon train to make it in the fall 26.2, instead of the triathlon training. Even if you just show up to the 70.3 races, you’ll get race experience.

I think the two week scenario is enough time, but I like high volume. I did New Orleans 70.3 last year then attempted a 50mi Ultra 13 days later. Didn’t feel fatigued, but also got lost in the dark at 47.6mi and had to DNF. I even cycled the day before the trail race. I would take much more taper days if I had to do it again.

Last edited by: plant_based: Nov 14, 19 9:54

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  • Post edited by plant_based (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 14, 19 9:54