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Re: Yes or No, Do you think Trump is racist [BLeP]
BLeP wrote:
Snowflake, I am sorry that my presence offends you so deeply.

Please retreat to your safe space and say ten hail Trumps.

It doesn’t offend me it gives me a great deal of entertainment to watch you rail about Trump. And it never gets old. No matter how many threads you start or jump into saying the exact same thing over and over hoping to garner more attention for yourself.

Besides. It’s all so insightful and well thought out.

In fact as a reward why don’t you post here who you would actually vote for in a US Democratic Primary. And why. Instead of just why trump sucks dazzle us with who is better and who you would vote for. You know, if you actually could vote. Then I promise when the Dem primaries roll around in my state I will vote for your candidate on your behalf. You know, because I actually can vote for someone other than Justin Mulroney or Margaret Thatcher or Rob Ford or whoever’s emperor of that shithole country of yours these days.


Make Canada Great For Once!!!
Last edited by: ironmayb: Jul 22, 19 17:19

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  • Post edited by ironmayb (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 22, 19 17:19