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Re: Is the swim ruining my run? [swimbikerunbonk]
swimbikerunbonk wrote:

Never looked at it that way, probably because I'm still structuring training around my long run and interval runs. So you'd think I'd get away with skipping the long run a couple of times, maybe throwing in a long swim or two instead of that? Without losing too much running fitness that is.

All I can do when I read this is bang my head on the desk.

What Eric said.

I'd also add this:

Why would you structure your training around any workout? What makes the long run and intervals so much more important than a 3-5h bike ride or intervals on the bike or better swim training? (bc you need better swim training as well)

Triathlon isn't about 1 workout or 2 specific workouts every week.

In fact no workout is more or less important than any other workout.

If you truly want to perform it's the cumulative effect of workout after workout after workout after workout after workout done day after day after day after day after day after day after day after month after month after month after month that will enable you to race well.

June's racing success (or failure) is brought to you by Jan-early May's training...(or lack of it).

Brian Stover USAT LII
Accelerate3 Coaching

Last edited by: desert dude: Jun 24, 19 12:41

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  • Post edited by desert dude (Dawson Saddle) on Jun 24, 19 12:41