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Re: The pardons that shouldn't [gofigure]
Eddie Gallagher is a POS deserving of war crimes court date and likely a noose. Its a poor reflection on the US Military that he 'got away' with a single charge of murder on a POW. It would be a terrible reflection on the USA if he was pardoned. Even many of his Navy SEALs think he is a POS. https://www.navytimes.com/...out-eddie-gallagher/

With the lack of accountability for the evil acts, the narrative that the US is the 'good guy' in global affairs is harder and harder to spin throughout most of the world.

Remember - It's important to be comfortable in your own skin... because it turns out society frowns on wearing other people's
Last edited by: Guffaw: May 21, 19 10:14

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  • Post edited by Guff (Dawson Saddle) on May 21, 19 10:14