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Buying a road bike - can I use the stack/reach measurements from my tri bike?
Hey everyone,

I currently have a well-fitting tri bike, with the fit having been done with a well-recommended fitter her on ST. Following the wisdom of the n+1 rule, I'm looking to add a road bike to my collection. Ideally I'd go back to the fitter and have a new fitting done before purchasing a road bike, but I'm looking to save a little money right now. Is it possible to use the armpad stack/reach from a tri bike as a proxy or starting point for the handlebar stack/reach of a road bike? If anyone has any experience in doing this, I'd really appreciate the insight.

FWIW, my tri bike setup is below (armpad stack: 635; armpad reach: 455).

Also, since I'm here, if anyone has any recommendations for a road bike frame for someone with short legs / long torso, I'd love to hear them! With my tri bike, the best option for me turned out to be buying a PR3 and throwing a 120mm stem on it to compensate for my proportions. I suspect I may need to do the same for a road bike.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Last edited by: JonathanNYC: Apr 21, 19 11:15

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  • Post edited by JonathanNYC (Cloudburst Summit) on Apr 21, 19 11:15