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Re: The power of love: How Trump connects with his base [ACE]

"I agree on the second camp. The tired argument that Trump voters are knuckle dragging idiots from the backwoods who don't understand the smart folk in the big cities and are just too stupid to see Trump is a real bad dude is lazy and useless.

If the left keeps trotting this out, they will lose again.

It's more likely the majority of Trump voters don't care that he is a flawed person, perhaps a conman and a cheat but he sure as hell represents their ideals better than anyone on the left and there were only two people on the ballot. Not that hard to understand.

This. I have always considered myself right leaning. I was stupid and naive enough to think Obama would be good for the country when he was elected because he would be a unifying force and help to make disenfranchised minorities feel like they had a voice. Boy, was I wrong on that. Obama had a great opportunity that was squandered on fomenting even more division in more ways than I ever imagined. Along comes Hillary, who is ten times worse than Trump will ever be by any and all measures. She is the worst liar on the planet, the LEAST respectful of women no matter how much she holds herself out as a promoter, the biggest fake in our country regarding respect for minorities, she is completely willing to trade our country's interests for her own personal gains, flip-flops on major positions for political gains, and she is the most repulsive elitist that is so far removed from the middle class that she doesn't have a clue what is going on in America. Yet, lefties think that anyone that voted for Trump is a knuckle dragging idiot because Queen Hillary called them such and, apparently, not too many of her base have a brain to form their own opinions. They are all sheeple blindly following the party line and believing that anyone that disagrees with them is racist, misogynist...blah blah blah... And, we all must get together and HATE TRUMP. Nothing else matters, we must HATE TRUMP! This hatred has completely defined the Democratic party ever since the election and is the basis upon which all leadership decisions are made. Running the country and lawmaking are so far off of the Left's radar as to be irrelevant because it will sap energy for HATING TRUMP.

So, now, I have moved firmly into the Right. The Left's agenda has been fully revealed since the election and it makes me sick. Fortunately, the party is imploding right before our eyes. They are relying on funneling illegals into the country so they can count their votes even though the current leadership of their party and our last President called sealing the border a top priority. They have lurched so far toward extreme positions that they have somehow rationalized killing children that have been carried to full term. I am pro-choice, by the way, but with reasonable limits. Yet, they claim concern about children being separated from their families at the borders. Give me f'ing break with that. But, being outraged about that facilitates fomenting more hatred toward Trump among the non-thinking sheeple that have become the Democratic party that the leadership believes can be bought with 'free everything'. The fact that the Left is relying on hatred for Trump, turning illegal aliens into voters, and impeachment in order to win in 2020 just proves how desperate they have become. No workable policies to sell, no foreign affairs strategies, no economic knowledge or ability to implement rational fiscal policy (reference the number of Leftist cities and states that are essentially bankrupt), and no ability to silence or even muffle the freshman nut cases (and Maxine Waters) that got elected by the sheeple base.

Regarding Trump, he is a cheating husband and probably a scumbag businessman. But, I didn't vote for him to be married to him and I don't expect to be doing business with him. I voted for him because the alternative was Hillary and I thought Trump would live up to his campaign promises that I agreed with. So far, he has lived up to more of them than any other past President I can remember. Would I have a beer with him if he called me? Probably not. I personally don't like the guy because his ego is too big and in some ways, he is childish.

So, this knuckle dragging deplorable with two graduate degrees will vote for him in 2020 in the absence of any alternative. You Lefties can just keep on with the current strategy of a campaign completely based on hate for Trump and free stuff for everyone. All of us on the Right would love that.


If you are a Canuck that engages in gratuitous bashing of the US, you are probably on my Iggy List. So, save your self a bunch of typing a response unless you also feel the need to gratuitously bash me. If so, have fun.
"Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f___ things up" - Barack Obama, 2020
Last edited by: gregtryin: Mar 7, 19 7:33

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  • Post edited by gregtryin (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 7, 19 7:32
  • Post edited by gregtryin (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 7, 19 7:33