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Re: NYT: Mary-Juana Tax in NJ? Could be $42 an Ounce [Velocibuddha]
Velocibuddha wrote:
M~ wrote:

$42 / ounce is nothing. That's a buck fiddy / gram. You think that is a lot?


None of you other geniuses notice this!!!

BK - if you are this dumb, you really should shut up.
We are supposed to listen to your ridiculous, hypocritical political rants?
You can’t even do 5th grade math.

I admit that my knowledge of DOPE, which you seem to have a lot of (for obvious reasons) isn't up-to-date past the 1970s, when dime bags were the rage, but you don't find the idea of a $42 PER FUCKING OUNCE tax on weed a bit too high? You really are the government-loving-ballwasher, aren't you? But go ahead, pay the taxes. I don't really give a flying fuck either way.

"Politics is just show business for ugly people."
Last edited by: big kahuna: Feb 21, 19 8:55

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  • Post edited by big kahuna (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 21, 19 8:55