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Pull buoy between the ankles
Hello ST,
I've always found very interesting (and enjoyable) the more brute force approach to swimming ie pull buoy and paddles for a very large part of the swim training. However, I always interpreted as putting the pull buoy between the thighs. Lately, I encountered some cases of having exactly the same approach to training but putting the buoy between the ankles instead (most notably Paulo Sousa when working with Matt McElroy).
Are there slowtwitchers that usually follow this pb/pd approach with good success (let's say either them swimming or coaching people around 1:00 IM swim or faster) that have implemented this pb-between-the-ankles thing either completely or alternating with the traditional position?
Thank you,
Last edited by: apprentice: Jan 20, 19 10:27

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  • Post edited by apprentice (Xantusia) on Jan 20, 19 10:27