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Re: 80% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck [burnthesheep]
burnthesheep wrote:

My apartment during my first engineering job had a bed, a side table with cheapo alarm clock, a borrowed recliner, my college desk and computer, and a set of 4 place Ikea plates and utensils.

I had the closet full of tools to repair my car I had accumulated.

That’s it. Oh, and a 7 year old tube tv set. Bunny ears, no cable.

Out of grad school I bought a condo and had a roommate who for two years lived on a paco pad while working in management at IBM. No bed. Just some kayaks and a camping pad. He brought girls back to his camping pad too. He was the Mac daddy. He is now a financial advisor - and I bet a good one if you’re willing to listen to him.

ETA I felt paycheck to paycheck at this time. I could not buy groceries on my budget without the rent check. But I was putting 10% in 401k and any bonuses into savings as part of my budget. So I do think the definition of paycheck to paycheck differs by person quite a bit. If you see savings as an obligation it can feel you are living paycheck to paycheck while saving - since your outgoing equals your incoming and any change would cut into your obligations.
Last edited by: Moonrocket: Jan 14, 19 9:03

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  • Post edited by Moonrocket (Dawson Saddle) on Jan 14, 19 9:03