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Re: No IM Canada thread ? [Kirch]
Tough day out there and the combination of heat with the hills made for an exceptional day.

I came into this race very undertrained and was stoked with a 1h22’ swim. The swim course is the best i have ever done. Beautiful and not at all crowded.

Bike was killer. 3 laps are mentally and physically draining but i am ok with mental challenges being included in an IM event. The 70.3 racers made the course very crowded. I am always a come-from-behind racer so used to working my way through traffic and i thought today was not that different. That said the roads by Alta Lake are sketchy with so many newbies on the road. 6h00 bike split to go from 982 to 138th place, it was brutally hot. Really suffered on that last lap and got way overheated.

That killed my run - i could run in the shade but had a pounding headache and could barely walk in the heat especially going towards Green Lake. Bonked anyways. At some point walked for an hour eating lots of bananas and oranges and came back to life.

Finished in 13h 07... way slower than expected even tough i think i had a great race given the circumstances.

My family and I have absolutely loved this venue. I would definitely recommend this race though i can imagine it will need some more tweaking.
Last edited by: Benv: Jul 29, 18 22:53

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  • Post edited by Benv (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 29, 18 22:53