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Re: best way to improve swim catch [mickison]
For me what has worked over the last year....

Lots of Single-arm drills, and catch-up drills with an intense focus on watching the stroking arm, ensuring early high elbow.

Proper entry position helps. I was told to think "Y" as in YMCA. I'm sure shoulder mobility would help, but I don't have any of that.

I also tend to think about lifting my elbow up, rather than rotating my forearm down. Both things happen at the same time, but if I focus on the elbow the forearm seems to take care of itself. Also, focusing on keeping the wrist in line with the forearm (at least once it is verticle), helps me.

ETA: paddles also helped. I don't know your's specifically, I have speedos which have straps for finger and wrist. I only use the finger strap. If you screw up at any point of the stroke from entry through exist the paddle comes off your hand and you have to swim back to get it. Instant feedback on any errors. I need to get smaller ones, because I can't "stroke normally" with the ones I have, though. My stroke rate gets much slower, because I just can't pull that hard.

Ultimately, it just takes time to adjust to the new sequence and motion, and train your brain/muscles to do the right thing. Until then, you will want to revert to old habits. Make a vow to never do that. I think its better to get out when it goes to shit, and come back tomorrow.

ETA2: FWIW, I'm not claiming to have some beautiful EVF catch. Although, my swim coach does say that I have a "good catch". Just relaying my experience over the last year as I went from a pretty bad set of dropped elbows to wherever I am now. No one had anything negative to say the last time I posted video.
Last edited by: Tom_hampton: Jul 16, 18 9:11

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  • Post edited by Tom_hampton (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 16, 18 9:00
  • Post edited by Tom_hampton (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 16, 18 9:02
  • Post edited by Tom_hampton (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 16, 18 9:11