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Re: Different paddles for different strokes [mwanner13]
From the 100s of triathletes I've seen swimming over the decades the overwhelming majority end up with a reduced stroke velocity when using paddles.

If you're taking .2-.4 seconds longer to pull under the water are you really doing anything for power production? Sure you're pulling more water due to paddle size but you're not really forcing yourself to make changes or really increase your power.

If you size down you can accelerate your hands under your body & are forced to produce more power

this may be a case where feelings don't = reality. Haven't seen you swim so maybe not.
I'd ask how you 3 questions. What you mean by strengthening your pull, how you know that is what you are doing and what that is really doing for your swimming?

If you're like >90% of all triathletes bigger isn't better

Brian Stover USAT LII
Accelerate3 Coaching

Last edited by: desert dude: Jul 12, 18 10:46

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  • Post edited by desert dude (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 12, 18 10:46