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Re: Why wear a swim cap? [Tri-Banter]
Tri-Banter wrote:
A lot of pools require them

I've swam in literally hundreds of pools, all in the US, across several different states. I've never encountered a pool that had a mandatory swim cap requirement.

I've also never gotten a mouth full of hair while swimming, which makes this a baffling argument. TBH- hair in a public pool is the least of my concerns. YMMV

Most Pools in Europe requiere them. Everytime my family comes over for a visit they are very surprised that it's not mandatory here. Same for Showers. I remembers pools having a shower on the part from the locker to the pool.
Last edited by: UpandDown: Jun 13, 18 8:55

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  • Post edited by UpandDown (Cloudburst Summit) on Jun 13, 18 8:55