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Re: Hey Gun nuts [BLeP]
BLeP wrote:
Why does your ilk claim that the right to bear arms is “God given”?

It’s man given. And it won’t happen, but men can also take it away.

I think the wording by the Founders was more along the lines of "Nature's God."

But the whole "God-given" thing completely misses the point that the right to self-defense -- something the 2nd Amendment addresses -- is in fact due all humans as a result of their humanity, and because we're humans and in possession of what are called "natural rights," it can't be taken away by government -- at least here in the United States -- except under very specific circumstances. So in that regard, it's not "man-given" in the least.

Basically, the Constitution guarantees that right and charges the government with safekeeping it while also explicitly stating that it can't be taken away, which is what got Barack Obama -- supposedly a constitutional law expert -- all exercised when he went on about the Constitution being a so-called "charter of negative liberties."

The document's there to restrain government from its worst impulses, in other words, such as taking away the rights stated in the first 10 amendments to it (the Bill of Rights).

The Founders were brilliant in another regard: making amendments or changes to the Constitution, which aren't an easy thing to do. And that's for very good reason.

"Politics is just show business for ugly people."
Last edited by: big kahuna: Mar 25, 18 9:54

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  • Post edited by big kahuna (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 25, 18 9:54