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Re: Best place to train in the winter? [Mike Plumb]
Mike Plumb wrote:
Ghost234 wrote:

But then I spent a winter just south of Santa Barbara in Oxnard/Ventura area. I found it much more entertaining. Riding along the coast looking at the ocean was the most boring part of my ride. Climbs like Latigo, Las Flores, Deer Creek, Yerba and Gibraltar were amazing and the descents down Tuna, Deckar, Painted caves and the Rock Store were the thing of dreams. Making almost any turn and coming across a beautiful green valley was amazing. Water fountains were plentiful on the climbs and the drivers were very courteous. Tonnes of pro cyclists live and train in the area, so you often run into incredible riders.

Tucson is now a solid #2 for me. I would go back there in a heart beat, but only if I could not do California again.

This ^^^, by far the best place to ride that I have been too is the Santa Monica Mountains above Malibu. You could ride up to Mulholland taking a different road up and down every day for a week and never hit the same ascent/descent twice. Plus riding it on a weekday is very low traffic. Looking forward to spending 4 days there riding next week.

I'm spoiled living where nearly all those climbs start in Calabasas. A regular occurrence seeing pro's riding out here.

Tough Times Don't Last, Tough People Do.
Last edited by: TriSpencer: Mar 7, 18 15:58

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  • Post edited by TriSpencer (Lightning Ridge) on Mar 7, 18 15:58