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Re: offensive terms thrown around here [jt10000]
jt10000 wrote:
Two that I've seen in the last few weeks: "popping cherry" and "crack pipe." Please think about original meaning of these words. I hope you'll avoid using them here.

If your goal in life is to traverse this planet and not offend anybody I say kudos to you. However, I don't need to be told how I should be taking my journey throughout the world. My choice of words, my choice of being offensive are all things I'd ask you to consider, these are my right as a free-minded individual.

I find it offensive that I can not just speak how I want, where I want with the actual tone and perspective taken into consideration. This is to say I have manners and education which allows me to know when something is overtly offensive. I will not however go through life considering all the nuances of all the terms or "figures of speech" I use regularly if they don't appear at first glance as offensive. Your posting deeply offends me and I'm not joking here or making light of you. Groups of people online and in the media are bullying people for being who they are and taking words used out of context and giving them a different perspective rather than just calling a spade a spade.

This is a subculture, we are endurance athletes, I use a "crack pipe" on my disc-wheel and here, in our subculture that is a very acceptable term. If Dan ran a poll of the user base it would be by far the proper accepted nomenclature used. If you don't like it then perhaps focus on political rallies and changing the world in other areas and leave us to our subculture and it's offensive bits.

I apologize ahead of time if you found any of this offensive.

"Train so you have no regrets @ the finish line"
Last edited by: PushThePace: Feb 12, 18 8:09

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  • Post edited by PushThePace (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 12, 18 8:09