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Re: Sub 5 hour IM bikers, how do you structure the long training ride? [Sean H]
This year I rode 4:55 in Placid, 4:42 at IMMT, and 4:37 at Louisville. I end up doing a lot of riding indoors. I do both a 4:00 ride, and a 4:30 ride in my build up to an Ironman.

The 4:00 ride is 6x20min at 76-78% of FTP, then 1x60min at 77%.
The 4:30 ride is 6x23min at 76-78% of FTP, then 1x70min at 77%.

I find these workouts are great for me to simulate what I will go through in a race. If I'm not on top of my nutrition throughout I really suffer in the final longer interval. I've done it outside, but I actually feel like I get a better workout on the trainer because I don't have stop signs, or cars, and all my nutrition is right next to me so I don't have to stop for that either. I 'built' this workout in Trainer Road and I created a team so that anyone who wants to give it a go can download it (click HERE).

Outside of the time I'm focusing on an Ironman I do some long rides that have intervals of different lengths. I'll usually string together some different 60-90min Trainer Road rides. I'll also mix in some long, easy rides just to get more saddle time, based on the other work I've done throughout the week. I think it's important to really push some of your long rides, but I don't think you need to do that every week.
Last edited by: Daniel Clarke: Nov 16, 17 15:24

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  • Post edited by Daniel Clarke (Lightning Ridge) on Nov 16, 17 15:24: Typing mistake