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Re: Protesters plan on blocking twin cities marathon at mile 25 [Runless]
Off topic:

A "Racist" is a person.

"Racism" is an institution.

Until people get that the white-male majority has had a 200+ year "head start" in accumulating wealth, power and privilege and the ability to regulate and legislate their place at the top of the heap, then it will not be understood why it is so hard to change the institution. People can preach all that they want that there is equality in opportunity and that everyone is created equal and even have the best intent to be inclusive. But that doesn't change the institution and mental models (stereotypes) that people have created.

On topic:

This is not a good approach at all to get your message out as a group. There are much better ways. But I would say that at this point, any exposure is what they are looking for, because nothing else seems to work.

(Spoken as a privileged white male who believes that enough is enough. It is time for the US to change the institution).

Rick, "Retired" hobbyist athlete
Trying to come back slowly from acute A-Fib
Last edited by: Daremo: Oct 1, 15 9:50

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  • Post edited by Daremo (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 1, 15 9:50