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Re: lyme and 70.3 questions [wbp]
I'm glad it went well for you, but consider consulting with a Lyme Literate Doctor (LLMD). The medical community's understanding of lyme is evolving very quickly, and there seems to be consensus building that 3ish weeks of doxy isn't adequate to completely kill the disease, depending on the dose and how soon medication began after becoming infected.

I tested positive in 2002 after being extremely sick. I did the 3 weeks of doxy and seemed better, but still had some symptoms for 13 years. Earlier this year, I began deteriorating quickly. Long story short, after being told it's my age, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and that it's psychosomatic, I finally got an appointment with a LLMD, who said it's clearly lyme. About 2 weeks ago, I began a multi-month regimen of multiple antibiotics, joint health supplements, probiotics, and IV treatments. I hope to race again some day.

Don't take your PCP's word as gospel regarding this disease, unless they are a LLMD who approaches it aggressively from multiple directions at once. This is a serious disease that hides, then comes back later.

Start your reading here: International Lyme & Associated Diseases Society

ETA: Here's more of my story if you're interested.

Don Larkin
Reach For More
USAT Lvl1 Coach, NSCA-CPT, NASM-CPT, BS Exercise Science
Last edited by: TriMyBest: Aug 30, 15 8:08

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  • Post edited by TriMyBest (Lightning Ridge) on Aug 30, 15 8:08