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Re: Du Worlds, arrived in Newcastle..SICK [Kestrelkerri]
why in the world would you of all people be racing in a duathlon? :)

Hey, I resamble, I mean resent that remark. I'll have you know that in 1989 I made the pro US duathlon team. Had to run the fastest 5k of my life to start it with(15:45), then it went on to a 8 loop criterium style course. It had 11 turns in each loop, so I was able to smoke the lousy bike handlers in the group, (all of them), and then hang on while a small parade passed me on the last run. Made the world duathlon team, which I never did as a pro triathlete. Kind of funny when you think about it, since swimming is my best sport.

Seriously, I did my first duathlon this year in over a dozen years because an old friend puts it on, and it just happened to be a world qualifyier. By some magic of roll down I got a slot, and I looked this place up on the net and saw it has some great surf spots. In fact for you surfing experts out there, Mark Richards(former world champ)comes from here. And it's just a puddle jump to Hawaii for the tri worlds next week, so I figured why not???
Last edited by: monty: Sep 22, 05 15:20

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  • Post edited by monty (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 22, 05 15:20