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what size to buy for rollers?
gang, i'm all new to rollers, and this will be my first season with them. the goal is to train on them about 3 times a week, for 30 or 45 minutes--pretty intense sessions that accomplishes alot (in terms of intensity of workout, technique development, etc).

with that said, i've seen that there are different sizes of tubes for the rollers. 4.5 inches or so, on down to 2.5 or so. Smaller being the most difficult.

as a beginner who is interested in a long term investment with the rollers, what is the appropriate size to buy?

i don't want to buy something that i "grow out of" in one year because the resistance is too easy. but for someone at my level, perhaps that is a ridiculous concern. you tell me.

thanks for any advice,


PS--i'm mostly interested in the Kreitler brand.
Last edited by: kittycat: Aug 29, 05 6:04

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  • Post edited by kittycat (Dawson Saddle) on Aug 29, 05 6:04