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Re: Cycling Fitness...how the hell do people hit 300 watts? [trail]
trail wrote:

>The effect is real, shorter people are relatively stronger, so in a very short (less than a minute) uphill TT short people would have a clear advantage.

Relative to what? Do you mean that shorter people tend to have a greater strength/weight ratio?

Yes, exactly that. "Relatively stronger" means that a person who is twice as tall is not twice as strong -- he would be only 1.6x stronger; so when these two people need to lift themselves up an incline, the shorter person has a clear advantage.

BTW, this (2/3) power law is the reason why there are no 10-foot tall people: weight increases faster than muscular strength needed to keep the body upright, so beyond a certain height a human would simply not be able to support his weight.
Last edited by: jgrat: May 14, 14 15:35

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  • Post edited by jgrat (Cloudburst Summit) on May 14, 14 15:35