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Re: Official PowerTap Thread [powertap]

I have a Powertap Pro built into a Bontrager Aura5 wheel. I've only had it a few months and only recently started using it properly with Trainerroads.

Some days, it's fine. I zero it after a warm up and the readings stay consistant. Some days it drifts downwards. eg I could be pushing a steady 200 watts and the power readings drop gradually. I thought I just wasn't working hard enough but it does drop to Zero! So I rezero it and then I get very high readings for a bit and it drifts back to zero.

The calibration numbers vary between 1600 and 1900 and seem very inconsistant. After about 2 hours of trying to get it to give a steady reading, I gave up rather frustrated. My Kurt Kinetic trainer with inRide does give me numbers to compare it to and the values drift down to zero whilst I maintain a steady effort confirmed by the inRide.

What am I doing wrong? It's being read by my Garmin 800 and by Trainerroads via a Garmin ant+ stick and both show the same numbers.

Thanks very much. I don't live near a Powertap dealer and didnt want to send the whole wheel off if I can fix this myself.

I haven't tried changing the batteries yet but will give this a go today


Changing batteries made no difference. If I warm up then calibrate, it gives figures of about 1800. If I do nothing but recalibrate it again and again, the number comes down each time till it settles at 1550ish. O guess the opposite happens as I pedal as it would seem to fit in with the wattage dropping as I pedal - ie that it's requiring a higher and higher calibration number but as I'm pedalling and not recalibrating, the wattage just drops gradually instead. I guess I need to send the whole wheel off somewhere to sort this out???
Last edited by: alexwong: Oct 12, 13 4:05

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  • Post edited by alexwong (Big Pines) on Oct 11, 13 4:57
  • Post edited by alexwong (Big Pines) on Oct 12, 13 4:05