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Re: Can someone explain toothpick pants to me [little red]
Little Red - I'm right there with you on the smaller end of things (5.7, 115 right now though that changes if I stop training) so I totally understand that a lot of today's fashion isn't cut for smaller, less curvy women. But the toothpick pants looked just horrendous on me yesterday. I could see how it might be a fun style for going out but some of the clothes I looked at were definitely work clothes (and priced accordingly) and I just couldn't imagine walking into a meeting and expecting to be taken seriously. Like I said though, maybe I'm just showing my age.

And yeah, the vanity sizing thing is terrible...

</blatent self-marketing>
Last edited by: lilpups: May 14, 13 7:57

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  • Post edited by lilpups (Lightning Ridge) on May 14, 13 7:57