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Re: How was your week? March 25 Edition [tigerchik]
My week was good!
Goals were

- Ride tomorrow (Tues) --- didn't do
- Swim MTW (today's done) then if I feel like it while home --- swam MTW :-)
- Take advantage of Maine snow to XC ski (Maine is supposed to get LOTS of snow tomorrow!) didn't ski and now I think the snow is gone :-(
Mostly want to spend time with my family from Thurs. onward but plan to run/ride a bit. My little brother just got a new bike trainer and he says he'll share. :-) spent time with family and used new bike trainer!
Other goal is no bingeing. I have the coping skills - I just need to use them. I can do it!
--- doing really well. 11 days in a row of doing well!

M - 8.5 mi run + 3000 yd swim
T - 8 mi run + 6200 yd swim
W - 8 mi run + 2200 yd swim
T - 1h40 bike (trainer)
F - 6.8 mi run
S - 6.8 mi run
S - 2h45 bike

Totals: 11,400 yd swim; 4:25 bike; 38 something miles run; 9.3 miles walking.

So it is all going well. I am enjoying my time home. We are playing many games of Settlers of Catan! My favorite. I swam in the 20 yd pool here this morning; I am on the U Maine campus for the day (Dutch lessons + giving a presentation), substitute teaching for half a day tomorrow... :-)

Goals for this week: run 4-5 times (1 done), bike 3x, swim 2x (1 done), yoga at least once.
And keep doing well with eating ;-)

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Last edited by: tigerchik: Mar 25, 13 12:18

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  • Post edited by Dr. Tigerchik (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 25, 13 12:18